Allow yourself the time to
click on these words and explore these definition possibilities...
letting in the feeling of
- A Song Of Giving Thanks" sung
by Art Garfunkel
I (dentity) am one part of the whole All That Is. By this definition, I am connected to, in
relationship with, and in communication with All That
The combined/ living event/experience that nourishes the
body/mind/spirit. Non-physicality and physicality in harmony.
- What is,
within and without. From the level of a normal state of human
consciousness, this extremely short present point in time as
opposed to the long past or long future.

OR - now is
non-time, existing from the level of a natural state of human
consciousness. One long field of now.

Spherical time, not linear

Now also implies HERE:
the space our physical body occupies.
Thus, both the now and here,
is freedom of time and space.
- Defined only by one's own self.
- That
which cannot be defined and where description is preferable--- because when
it is attempted to be defined it losses it's unique identity of beauty.
Beauty inspires a feeling of unconditional love (free as opposed to
conditional and sufficating), deep happiness, and peaceful awe. Being aware
of beauty's indefinable nature, the Buddha once held up a flower and said
nothing. This was known as the "Flower Sermon." Yielding to the
wisdom of the flower, he let the flower speak for itself in it's own silent
- Something so beautiful and
so inspiring, that one is happily content to simply not desire
understanding it, letting it be what it is. Conversely, something so
beautiful and inspiring that one is happily motivated to understand
it and reflect its beauty in expressing it. Deep appreciation of beauty and
what is. Wonder inspires a joyful feeling that there is always more
to know and feel. (Example...The universe is so vast in both it's
bigness and smallness!)
- LOVE -
That glowing feeling in
the heart of you of connection to another, yourself, all life, all. The action
of connection to an individual life. Freely accepting all individual life as
it is. Thus, leaving one with the feeling of integration, not separation.
The compassionate feeling that what is on the outside of you is on the
inside of you as well. That which brings deep happiness.
- Fulfillment of
physical and non-physical needs. Painlessness. Frictionlessness.
Stresslessness. No resistance. Subjective balance. Also, relief from any
painful imbalance by it's opposite. (v. to comfort) The action
of nurturing and loving.
- Valuing
one's (self and all other individual life) innate unique quality.
Valuing/allowing all individual life
as it is. Valuing all free will choice as it is, where applicable. Also,
negative respect, is being deferential to a higher authority in a hierarchy.
- Valuing
one's (self and all other individual life) acquired unique quality.
To esteem highly. A privileged feeling.
- The absence
of, or immunity from, any external control, restraint, or pain, as
well as the absence of oneself allowing that control internally.
Not painfully bound by one's (self or others) habits/compulsions. The
paradoxical situation of being one self in
the presence of another/group, or two selves
(i.e. you and them). Not co-dependence. but in-dependence ( i.e.
dependence on oneself...flexibly). Not determined by anything
beyond it's own nature or being and not allowing the existence of
that determination. No limit on thought, feeling, or will. A right. Always
having a choice. The ability and right to be oneself.
- Life. Consciousness. Light of consciousness within life. (Our sentient
nature, i.e. self-awareness, is what makes human beings, and other life,
distinct from non-sentient life.) Feeling and/or knowing the presence of
something or someone with any of your five, or more, senses.
Awareness is the activity of observing your thoughts/feelings.
Being that the activity of observing cannot exist without the two
ingredients of the observer and the observed (or you and this screen),
awareness contains the three ingredients of the:
1) obserER
2) observED
3) observING

Therefore, awareness
seems to be the non-physical activity of observING yet containing the physical
observER and observED. (Some people might call this the Holy Trinity.)
- To
give for others and for yourself unconditionally loving,
non-judgmental thoughts. Choosing to see all individual life,
including yourself, as beautiful, no matter what has/is happened/ing to
you. (This can be, rightfully, extremely difficult for us humans to
do. Thus the phrase "would you rather be right or happy" seems to
be appropriate. Forgiveness, therefore, encompasses happiness, not
rightness.) Forgiveness
is also a helpful tool of time that washes any mental and/or
emotional past and/or future "dirt," leaving only a clean, now
moment. In other words, forgiveness brings you into the present moment.
- Feeling
certain of who you are.