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Connie's thrilling 30-minute dramatic presentation, like
an old radio show, with her inter-dimensional original music. Whether
you're 8 or 88, don't miss this "Ghost Whisperer" experience, three
decades before the TV show existed. Terrific for an All Hallow's Eve
gathering, or a Halloween slumber party. VERY scary -- then funny -- then
a beautiful ending! Preview
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Sample Type: mp3/Size: 665 KB/Length: 2:50/Audio Format: 16 Bit
by Connie Cook Smith
This production contains 1) the STUDIO lecture 2) the song "Global Anthem" 3) a text file of the lecture which contains many links that can be read in your computer browser.
1 CD donation @ $10, 1 tape donation @ $7 55 minutes
If there are people in your life who "just can't handle the truth" -- about how deeply we've been deceived and how maliciously we've been manipulated in America, especially over the past 50 years -- this gentle "introduction to evil" is for them!
As I speak on the recording, I am very considerate of the feelings of shock and resistance that good-hearted Americans can feel when presented with the awful truth, because I'm mindful of how deeply stunned I have been myself.
Yet we must all come to terms with the facts, before our heads-in-the-sand cause American Freedom to be snuffed out forever. But as the title promises, once people really understand what's been going on, TRANSCENDENCE and TRIUMPH can prevail!
Please consider purchasing this work to help awaken your fellow citizens, and perhaps to clarify and strengthen your own resolve.
Below are some concepts from the production.
As comedian Mark Russell quipped: "The 9/11 Commission has concluded their investigative report – Oswald acted alone!"Funny, sad, true. The assassination of JFK and the attacks on 9/11 are much alike. World-shattering crimes committed in broad daylight, the nation traumatized, policies immediately implemented to reduce our peace and freedom.
And the perpetrators? I was 15 years old in 1963 and couldn’t understand why Lee Harvey Oswald – obviously an evil man – wouldn’t BRAG about his horrific accomplishment. As a communist who took down American Freedom’s head of state, why didn’t he spout triumphant slogans? Why didn’t he gloat about how thoroughly he succeeded in hurting the United States of America?
In other words, why did Oswald deny he did it, calling himself a loser -- "just a patsy"?
Likewise with Osama bin Laden and Mohammed Atta. I recall the first press reports after 9/11 in which Florida witnesses told of Atta’s completely non-religious drinking, drugging, and shacking up with girls. He obviously was not a Muslim fundamentalist who cared about the purity that Allah requires. Yet, quite soon, we were told that he and his gang were exactly that. We were told they were Muslim fundamentalists whose lands, therefore, we must invade.
And soon, because the hijackers were presumably dead, a live target for our wrath was provided for us to rally against. Personally, I now call this guy: "Osama bin Oswald." The reason for that, again, are those initial press reports. There were bin Laden’s chances to CROW about how successfully he hit the United States, the "Great Infidel!"
Instead, in NEWSPAPERS, he almost reluctantly admitted he didn’t do it, specifying that the Koran forbids attacks upon innocent civilians, women, children. And he outlined a pretty good thesis about who probably DID do it. On my CD is a link to the best interview with bin Laden, which appeared soon after 9/11. I think that you, too, will find it ASTONISHING that a terrorist mastermind would deny such a successful terrorist attack!
Lee Harvey Oswald’s denials were in English, which we could hear and understand. Coincidentally, he was quickly shot and never able to speak again. Bin Laden, however, soon appeared to us on video tapes, saying things in a language most of us can’t understand, with voice-overs that tell us what he’s saying. I guess there’s no need to silence a guy’s disclaimers when they can’t be understood – and for heaven’s sake, don’t capture him and let him actually speak out!
Once you KNOW about bin Laden’s detailed denials, it’s tempting to think that what you’re REALLY hearing on the video tapes is, "I’m just a patsy," in Arabic.
In my 55-minute lecture-on-CD, complete with text file and links to documentation, I invite you to come to terms with what many Americans are finally realizing – that the JFK hit, the 9/11 attacks, and many other crimes in between are part of a SERIES OF OPERATIONS designed to empower insiders, and to disempower and demoralize the rest of us. Eisenhower warned us to "beware of the military/industrial complex." Isn’t it time we do something about WHO the evil-doers really are
?Type: mp3/Size: 136KB/Length: 34 sec./Audio Format: 16 Bit Stereo
Sample Type:
mp3\Size: 724KB\Length: 1 minute\Audio Format:
16 Bit Stereo
1 CD donation @ $10, 1 tape donation @ $7 45 minutes
by Connie Cook Smith
This production contains 1) the LIVE lecture 2) the song "Global Anthem" 3) a text file of the lecture which contains many links that can be read in your computer browser.
You can order Connie Cook Smith’s painstaking research and riveting lecture now!
At 9:03 am, Mr. Bush was informed: "America is under attack." Immediately, the Secret Service rushed in and hustled him to safety. (No, they did not.)
Immediately, Mr. Bush rose from his chair at the elementary school: "Excuse me, children, duty calls." Immediately, he inquired if there were more hijacked planes than the two at WTC. There were! Immediately, he ordered air defense for our nation’s capital – for the entire eastern seaboard. (No, he did not.)
Immediately, our Commander-in-Chief and our state-of-the-art military roared into action – America is under attack! Fighter jets at Andrews Air Force Base, only 12 miles outside of D.C., are airborne within minutes. The FAA and NORAD inform our fighter pilots that another hijacked airliner is headed straight for Washington. Under routine protocols for attack conditions, the jets intercept the airliner outside of D.C. – and have no choice but to shoot it down. A strike on the Pentagon is averted. (None of this happened.)
Our Air Force pilots remain in full fighter mode, because another hijacked airliner is aimed towards Washington – possibly for the White House – but more likely towards a larger target even more symbolic of America – our Capitol Dome. (But the airliner mysteriously goes down in Pennsylvania – a "good thing" on a bad day, because there was no defense ordered for the White House or Congress.)
The nation is in shock over the attacks. But – we are SO PROUD that our leader and our military and our billions of taxpayer dollars for the ever-ready defense of the United States all worked exactly as they are supposed to! Right? WRONG!
In reality on 9/11, Mr. Bush just sat there and did nothing at all, for a full 20 minutes.
Our nation’s capital and other cities were totally at risk, the Pentagon strike could have been stopped. When Bush spoke, he told us he had called New York’s governor and mayor and the FBI – but he gave us no assurance, made no mention, of any orders for our defense. Then he joined other globalists in an underground bunker, where no one was protected but themselves. This presentation will TELL YOU WHY.
Sample Title:
Global Anthem (song)
Type: mp3\Size: 517KB\Length: 33 sec\Audio Format: 16 Bit Stereo © 1993 Connie Cook Smith
Type: mp3\Size: 347KB\Length: 22 secs.\Audio Format: 16 Bit Stereo © 1992 Connie Cook Smith
PRAIRIE DOLPHINS 1 MUSIC CD @ $13, 1 tape @ $10 (mostly instrumental) 60 minutes
This sometimes energetic, sometimes dreamy, but always visionary music will make you feel GOOD! The electrifying vocal (sample below) is pure, positive UFO energy streaming down after a dramatic storm on the night of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. / Requests from fans to repeatedly hear the ecstatic "Visit from the Dolphins" resulted in a sequence of 3 recordings back-to-back. / And if you like drums, don't miss Cook'n'Mark's throbbing tympani and trap-set piece: "Drum Dialogue Between Earth and Humanity." And more!
Type: mp3\Size: 285KB\Length: 18 secs.\Audio Format: 16 Bit Stereo © 1992 Connie Cook Smith
COOK'N'MARK LIVE 2 MUSIC CDs @ $15, 1 tape @ $10 (mostly vocal) 90 minutes
It wasn't the Apollo Theatre in New York, but the acoustic resonance of the Apollo Theatre on Main Street in Peoria, Illinois captured the many moods, many times, many places of Cook'n'Mark's magical music. One moment you are lullabied with Connie and Mark's sweet vocal harmonies with acoustic guitar, the next you are soaring to the outer expanses of space via their 200-voice synthesizer and full percussion. Mark's tablas from India create an exotic Eastern mood, then Connie's lilting voice seems to emerge out of the mists of Ireland. Don't miss this concert! (Plus two studio pieces.)
Sample Title:
Of ET Contact
Type: mp3\Size: 471KB\Length: 30 secs.\Audio Format: 16 Bit Stereo © 1991 Connie Cook Smith
"This lady's soothing voice and exciting experiences (sample below) are all so great that - well, I married her! And over the past 20 years her goodness and her truth have never let me down." - Webmaster Mark Smith
This recording is a true account of Connie Cook Smith's beautiful experiences with highly evolved, extraterrestrial Beings. With her soothing, almost musical voice and her seamless, chronological narrative, the listener is swept along on a joyous adventure that illuminates the rising new consciousness on Planet Earth.
From the recording..."The next thing I remember I found myself standing stock still in front of an upstairs window staring at an ethereally beautiful white light that was hovering outside the house. There was a moment that I thought perhaps it was a lovely star refracting the light like a diamond, and yet I knew it was too big and too close to be that kind of celestial object."
PLANET EARTH PRIMER A Series of Radically Helpful Definitions and Directions
booklet @ $10
No long philosophical treatises here - just a joyous romp through Earth's most popular illusions. Summing up the wit and wisdom of an off-planet point of view, this is the little guidebook you'll wish you had been issued when you arrived here!
I'm confident you'll be satisfied with your product.
If anything is defective with it, simply communicate to me.
You can email me at dimension04 AT sbcglobal DOT net
or snail-mail to 250 S. Main/Apt. 115, Canton IL 61520
If it can't be fixed, I'll send you another one free.
If you don't like the product I'll refund your money with no questions asked. Guaranteed.
© 1999 Connie Cook Smith
Email: dimension04 AT sbcglobal DOT net